Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Earth Observatory - Al Khufrah Oasis

Green Circles—Al Khufrah Oasis, Libya

"Green circles in the desert frequently indicate tracts of agriculture supported by center-pivot irrigation. The Al Khufrah Oasis in southeastern Libya (near the Egyptian border) is one of Libya’s largest agricultural projects, and is an easy-to-recognize landmark for orbiting astronauts aboard the International Space Station. Because only about 2 percent of Libya’s land receives enough rainfall to be cultivated, this project uses fossil water from a large underground aquifer. The Libyan government also has a plan called the Great Man Made River to pump and transport these groundwater reserves to the coast to support Libya’s growing population and industrial development."

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Prototype Analysis Phase 1

Diagrams showing module ranges of movement and connections (aggregation), along with inherent properties of the system.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

updated module study

Diagram shows the minimum and maximum rage of changes in area of surface
in relation to the changes in degree of rotation.
Vertical connections allow to grow z direction and changes its topological condition
which is from surface oriented condition to cellular system.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Animated Prototype 16

Phase 1 - Elevation

Phase 1 - Plan

Phase 1 - Prototype is compressed and anchored to one end of the axis; taking place during normal means. All links are clustered together. The line is collapsed.

Phase 2 - Elevation

Phase 2 - Plan

Phase 2 - Prototype is expanding and approaching opposite ends of the axis; this taking place during rising water means. Dragging the line begins.

Phase 3 - Elevation

Phase 3 - Plan

Phase 3 - Prototype is fully expanded and anchored to opposite ends of the axis; this taking place during high water means. Tension is placed on all members; the line is dragged out.

Material Experiment Aggregation

By: Natasha Harper, Katie Adee, James Baldauf

Aggregation Model 1:

this model takes a lattice connected with pivot connections and uses circles of varying circumfrences connected at their tangents. This deforms the original lattice and creates areas of more density and rigidity.

Beginning of Aggregation Model 2:

This takes a similar logic to the first model, but the lattice is less defined and can easily grow in the Z direction, and/or branch off in plan.

This is a series of 3 different froms. They conssist of an intial 3 point object followed by a 4 point object, and finally a 5 point object. They are to be overlayed to create an object that is "blossoming around a center core. The blossom would expand or contract based on the amount of water being absorbed or released

module aggregation

I was testing 2 variations. Changes of rotational angle allow the modules to expand horizontally.

Two different types of connection create different conditions, one has void in the center of group and grow diagonally, and other connection which is mirrored connection doesn’t create void in between and grow x, y direction.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Animated Prototypes 13 - 14

VP14 - Plan

VP14 - Elevation

VP14 - Elevation

Prototype 14

With medium length tubes creating the link, assembly of the prototype easily expands longitudinally on an axis. Further development could allow the system to expand in width.

VP13 - Varying Loops Dependant on Length

VP13 - Plan

VP13 - Elevation

Prototype 13

Composed of two linked tubes anchored by bolt(s), the shorter the link is the less flexible and less chance for other links to join. With increase in length, there is enough flexibility for other links to attach and create a matrix.

Field Prototype Team Coastal Flooding

Module with rotation joint: range of motion

Responds to current flow and landscape, surface intended to respond to water flow. Compressible openings respond to sediment capture and water (flow) diversion.


Scale of module component(s) based on range of intensities (ie: longer modules closer to coastline/nearer heavier flows to allow for more range, smaller modules farther out where properties are less intense)

Connection Ranges:

Monday, January 21, 2008

Animated Prototypes 11 - 12

VP12 Elevation Compressed

VP12 Plan Compressed

VP12 Expanding

Prototype VP12
Composed of multiple singles tube which stretches across a field of two parallel axes. System expands down the axes as external flood levels rise. Braids of tubing allow the system to stretch as it expands, taking the adjacent links.

VP11 Component

VP11 Plan

VP11 Expanded

VP11 Compressed
Prototype VP11
Composed of a single circular ring which braids and connects to adjacent rings, internally connected throughout. Three or more vertical supports anchor the system to the ground plane; this prototype uses four anchoring supports. External forces allow the system to raise and expand via rising flood levels.


Animated Prototypes 11 - 12


Above VP11 (Flooded / Non-Flooded)